Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chocolate Protein Dip

As I was scrolling through websites, I came across a really yummy snack. It's similar to the snack I usually make, but it's adapted. I also never thought of using it as a dip!

I added an ingredient to my liking. (:


1 Banana, peeled
1 scoop (Vanilla) Protein Powder
1 spoonful unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 spoonful Almond Butter
2 Tablespoons Chia Seeds
Drizzle of Honey (optional)
Anything to use as an edible scoop, ex: Apples, Pretzels, etc.


You can put all ingredients for the dip in at once and it will mix just fine, but to make it easier on yourself and possibly faster:

Breakup a peeled banana into a bowl and mash it completely with a fork or spoon (forks work easier). Add the protein powder and mix it together completely. Add the Cocoa powder and do the same. Add the almond butter and mix it together. Then finally, add the Chia and drizzle the honey (optional) on top and mix together. It is already sweet due to the banana and protein powder depending on the type you decide to use, so the honey is optional although it does taste amazing.

Dip with your choice of edible spoons and enjoy!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Breakfast: Egg and Spinach and A Side of Kale

Hungry and inspired by what my best friend cooked for us when I visited her last time, I decided to quickly make myself something easy and satisfying to eat.


Eggs and Spinach:

2 eggs, washed (I always wash the shells before I crack them to avoid unsanitary food...just to be safe)
1 large handful of baby spinach
1/2 spoonful of coconut oil
Sprinkle of sea salt
Sprinkle of ground cumin

Kale Side:

3 or 4 leaves of washed kale (or amount of your preference)
1/2 spoonful of coconut oil
Sprinkle of sea salt
Sprinkle of ground ginger


Eggs and Spinach:

Heat a pan with coconut oil, throw (not literally) the spinach in the pan for about 30 seconds and scramble eggs like usual, stirring and flipping it around. As soon as the eggs are nearly fully cooked, sprinkle sea salt and cumin on the mix, stir and take off heat.

Kale Side:

Heat a pan with coconut oil, throw the kale in the pan (not literally) careful to avoid the popping of the oil and cover for a minute or two. Carefully uncover and sprinkle sea salt and ginger and stir around. Some leaves may turn nearly black, but that's okay. Make sure all leaves are heated and slightly wilted and take off heat.


Hello! Welcome to my first blog!

I'm not a professional so you don't necessarily have to take it from me!
Whenever I look up recipes that I am craving, I always tend to merge some together and customize them to my liking to make the best out of what I have.
I hope you enjoy the recipes I have so far!
If you have any suggestions, comment and let me know!
I hope to be putting up new recipes as soon as I get a chance ad hear from you beautiful people.
Thank you for visiting my blog!